10.000 BC

10.000 BC

** Pics taken from wikipedia **


just watched 10.000 BC yesterday (^_^), with Manasa san and 3 other Indian.

It’s a movie with a touching and inspiring content.
The mainstream of the story actually is simple, the man who is a hunter from mountain tribe is chasing and trying to rescue his kidnapped lover

The story evolves with prehistoric animal, predators, etc. Then that man meet with another group, tribe, race or whatever they’re called whom their family are also kidnapped by the same group of warlord. As the story goes, they are all together fight against that group to free their family. The final boss is the one that they called GOD, who make all of that kidnapped people his slave to make a huge pyramid and sphinx, etc.

What inspire me from this movie even if we don’t understand each other language, come from many differences such as race, tribe, skin color, etc. We can always unite, understand and work with each other.

And one more lesson learned, never give up on hope, and keep chasing for your love (^_^), even the star will show you the way….
** ha ha (^_^) **

It’s worth watching (^_^)

  1. Pythia says:

    Nice film, indeed, couldn’t agree more (well, except for this : ‘even the star will show you the way’… how come?? *lah dibahas*), hahaha.. ^_^

    – Ivan said —
    Yeah… what happen if the weather is cloudy? we can’t see the star (^_^)

  2. Manasa says:

    A nice movie worth watching in the big screens!!
    Thanks Ivan for coming along!! :-)

    – Ivan said –
    Thx for inviting too (^_~)

  3. sakuralady says:

    seems like the credit for this “movie lesson” really count here, heh? he he..

    – Ivan said —
    absolutely (^_*)

  4. phat says:

    saya baru nonton sampe yg pas dia bunuh gajah euy..
    abis itu ketiduran.. ^^

    – Ivan said –
    Ketiduran??? nonton dmana mangnya?

  5. superdevil says:

    good movie!! ^_^

    ada unsur2 mistiknya juga ya keknya..
    pas si cewenya yg kena panah ga jadi mati, trus si old lady give her life buat si cewenya..

    overall 7.5 lah! :D

    – Ivan said –
    keknya emang orang2 dulu penuh dengan hal2 mistis.. (^_^)

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