Blog Games – My 6 Weird Things (^_^)

The rule is: Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write a post of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog. YOOOOOOOW…… Di...

Pooh yang Lucu (^_^)

Pooh yang Lucu (^_^) YOOOOOOOW….. This is the story of the cutest pooh I’ve ever met… (^_^) Suatu hari (tepatnya Kamis, 4 Juli 2007) waktu mau masuk ke Menara Jamsostek, tiba-tiba ada orang yang membagikan selebaran berwarna kuning. (kirain ga bakal ada yang beginian kalo di kantor2… he he.. Jadi kayak di kampus (^_^). Selebaran tersebut berisi, “Bakal ada Bazar di loby menara Jamsostek selama 3...

…Upik’s Birthday…

…Upik’s Birthday… YOOOOOOOW…. Ga pernah gw merasa se-deg-degan dan se-exited kemaren (Jum’at, 29 Juni 2007). Kenapa? Karena itu adalah ulang tahunnya Upik…. (^_^) Kok bisa??? Yukks dibaca…. Ceritanya berawal dengan plan buat kasih surprise ke Upik LIVE!! (^_^) Secara udah 2 tahun ini, kita (Kribo’ers) belom pernah kasih surprise langsung ke Upik… selalu tertunda, karena ultahnya upik itu...

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