Review of WMDDA 2013

Review of WMDDA 2013 Berhubung sudah mulai latihan dance lagi persiapan CSTD Contemporary Examination di bulan April mendatang, akhirnya ketemu lagi sama temen2 dan anak2 dari WiLD MiLD setelah terakhir kita showcase bareng di WiLD MiLD December Dance Act (WMDDA) 2013 Desember yang lalu. Seru dan berkesannya WMDDA kemarin juga masih terngiang dan terbayang hingga sekarang, dan kita pun kalau denger lagu2 yang kita...

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty YOOOOOOOW….. I watched this movie yesterday on my 2 SKS routine together with my lovely one for sure, and we had a lot of fun and laugh watching this, not to mention some "wow" moment when watching the beautiful scenery in here. The story is quite simple, Mitty (Ben Stiller) who is a regular worker at LIFE magazine and also a daydreamer, which often has a really cool...

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