Yupps… that was I said at the first week when I tried Vista on my Computer…. (^_^)
Coz… when I tried to install the software for it, such as :
- Rational Rose
- Power Designer
- Oracle
- Visual Studio
- ArcGIS
- Active Sync
- Partition Magic
- And many more….

That software will be installed easily if I use XP, but I can’t use it in my Vista (>_<)…

And also, sometimes when I was using it…. Suddenly I hear




Or something like that…
** Actually it’s an alert sound… hwe he he **

Its alert me and told me that there was an error to the system/program, and the program will then exit…
It became really SUCKS if it happened when I was doing something important.

The worst case in my experience with Vista is when I was installing Partition Magic, I dunno why, but suddenly I got BLUE SCREEN…. And It force me to reinstall my Vista (>_<)

Now, Partition magic is a HARAM things for me… (^_^)
** Thx to Kang Kamal to help me out of this problem (^_^) **

Many people have told me to dual my OS with XP… but
I resist not doing it, but still using my Vista… I am continuing to use and explore it…
As time goes by, I already used to it…
I’m not worry about getting many problems in Vista anymore, coz everytime I got it, I just go to Google, and type some keywords related to that problem… and VOILA… There are plenty of solutions there… (^_^)
WOW…. That’s just GREAT… coz it means there are many Vista user in all over the world, that maybe they are facing the same problem with me, and also maybe some of them has found the solution (^_^)
** Thx for the founder of Internet for making this kind of sharing come true (^_^) **

As long as I’m using it….
From day to day….
Using its features….
Installing the other software…
Coding with it…
Watching the Movie, Dorama, Anime, etc….
The more I use it, the more I fall for it… (^_^) 

Yesterday, I was just reinstalling my Vista…
It went smoothly without any problem… I can also reinstall the other software easier than the first time I reinstall it.
I don’t lose any single precious data….
And now, my Computer comes with a fresh installation of Vista…
Horeeeeee…… (^_^)
There are so many patches for Vista, or the new version of Software that support Vista…
Many computer stores sell a brand new computer or Notebook that comes with Vista as their OS…
I dunno why…. And I dunno when…
But… maybe someday, whether u want it or not….
U r goin’ to use Vista….

*) Terms and condition apply… (^_^)

  1. -084- says:

    Hohoho..Doesn’t anybody told u that right now, Vista doesn’t support many software..yet?? and it’s really annoying to,install patches to help with it..
    For me, just wait, wait, and wait :D ..until Vista can help me with no doubt..he he he..
    Btw, Partiton Magic 8.0 can’t support Vista, but 8.5 will..

  2. – Ivan said —
    Still… I don’t want to try P. Magic…
    Trauma (^_^)
  • amudi says:

    try ubuntu, it’s free and work out of the box…

    and yes, it has better eye candy than Vista

  • – Ivan said –
    I’ve tried it before, dual boot with ubuntu…
    guess what, I’ve only use it less than 5 times.. he he (^_^)
    then I uninstall it… ho ho ho
  • simataduitan says:

    Harus ya in english semua…
    Btw emang Vista itu Annoying (a.k.a SUCKS) koq… :P
    Yang gak pernah make aja tau kalo itu SUCKS dengan melihat orang yang make… (yaitu lo ama mbak-mbak-setengah-dewa [kata mbak ~sil] waktu berperang melawan semester 6 :D )

  • – Ivan said –
    Tapi tetep terbukti kalo dengan Vista (tanpa harus downgrade ke XP) bisa melewati semester 6 (^_^)
    jadi… jangan takut menggunakan Vista… ** keknya ga ada hubungannya ya?? hwe he he **
  • sila says:

    Wew.. kalo yg dikit”perlu effort gitu dibilang nggak sucks.. Gmana yg nggak ya.. Huumm..

    Oiya Van,, consider ini juga.. gak semua orang yang ketiban sial beli laptop yg dipaksa berisi vista punya kemelekan IT yg tinggi, ato orang tempat bertanya, atau akses internet dan donlot yg memadai..

    Mari kita luangkan waktu sejenak berduka untuk mereka.,


    Cukup. Lanjut lagi.

    Oiya.. dan doakan mereka mendapatkan pencerahan sebelum mereka jadi membenci teknologi.. Doa mulai.



    Yuk ah..

    * Hare genee mesti donlot”paaatch? Hare genee format ulaaang? Hare genee cancel or allow muluu? etc. Bwehehe.. :P


  • – Ivan said –
    Ho ho ho… iye yang udah dapet pencerahan… (^_^)
    ya kan… lambat laun nanti spek komputer minimal juga meningkat perlahan-lahan..
    yang artinya OS pendukung n software nya juga up to date donks… (^_^)
    Cancel or allowed??? just click allowed.. it’s easy.. and u’ll get used to it.. ho ho ho ho (^_^)
  • Arie says:

    *) Terms and condition apply… (^_^)

    Siswa: Saya kok belum diabsen Bu?
    Bu Guru: Kamu siapa?
    Siswa: Saya Syarat dan Ketentuan Berlaku, bu.
    Bu Guru: Kamu gak boleh ada di kelas ini!! Ini kelas Bebas! Kamu mestinya gabung sama Harus Sejam, Cuma Berlima, …

  • – Ivan said –
    ** speechless **
  • Reply
  • Arie says:

    Coz… when I tried to install the software for it, such as :
    - Rational Rose
    - Power Designer
    - Oracle
    - Visual Studio
    - ArcGIS
    - Active Sync
    - Partition Magic

    Ini mana yang legal mana yang bajakan?? :D

  • – Ivan said –
    ho ho… Rational Rose, Power Designer, ArcGIS nya bajakan…
    cuma ga bisa diinstall… jadi… ga jadi deh…. (^_^)
  • Reply
  • phewhe says:

    Try to think different…

    - Mac user

  • – Ivan said –
    I’m tryin’.. (^_^)
  • Reply
  • tyo says:

    hehe, gw juga klo sudah mampu ingin berpindah ke sini. Cuma sayangnya belum kesampean ^_^

    Supervisor tempat KP gw juga pake itu, jadi makin pengen ^_^

  • – Ivan said —
    ho ho.. gw juga mau…
    ada yang mo beliin??? (^_^)
  • Reply
  • arif_is_wise says:

    it means.. ubuntu is more user friendly than vista.. hahaha.. even a newbie could install and using ubuntu easily..

  • – Ivan said —
    I agree with that (^_^)
  • Reply
  • phewhe says:

    actually i’m running Mac in a non-Apple machine ^_^
    no money required…

    - Mac user

    ps : VISTA = Various Improvement Similar To Apple’s

  • – Ivan said –
    but, I wanna use Mac in an Apple machine (^_^)
  • Reply
  • xinuc says:

    Simply use it bro…

    and you will know your computer better than ever…

    (bhs inggris nya bener ga nih…??)

  • – Ivan said –
    I don’t think I’ll use it for now…
    and I don’t plan to use it…
    but… who knows??? (^_^)
  • Reply
  • roberto says:

    @arie: bukannya mestinya: “si halo satu jam, si daftar berlima, si tengah malam, sejuta satu minggu”?

    (mau rekamannya? gw punya loo… :D )

  • Fadz says:

    Aplikasi ku nan cantik ga bisa jalan di Vista.

    *ayo boikot vista, ganyang microsoft*
    *beralihlah segera ke Mac*

  • – Ivan said –
    ho ho ho…
    itu bukan ga bisa…
    tapi perlu reconfiguration (^_^)
  • Reply
  • Arie says:

    Sial, kekhawatiran saya terbukti.. Bakal ada yang mengoreksi.
    Terus yang salah lagi itu mestinya si Ibu Guru pake “Lo siapa?” dan bukan “Kamu siapa?”.
    Aduuh, coba saya punya recorder atau memori yang sangat kuat..

    @all: Udah gak jaman deh, aplikasi yang cuma bisa jalan di OS tertentu. Cobain aja masukin CD Ubuntu pas lagi Windows jalan. Ntar di Autorun-nya ada opsi buat nginstall Gaim for Windows, Scribus for Windows, Firefox for Windows, Thunderbird for Windows, dll.. Hehehe..

  • xinuc says:

    gara-gara si ivan awak jadi seaching2 deh…

    komunitas pecinta ubuntu banyak…

    komunitas pembenci ubuntu blom nemu…

    komunitas pecinta vista blom nemu…

    komunitas pembenci vista … ada ternyata :) )

    van, gabung van… :D

  • – Ivan said –
    ho ho ho.. mungkin ada di page berapaaa gitu (^_^)
    tapi, kok pas di pameran komputer di JCC kemaren, gw ga nemu ya yang jual PC atau Notebook dengan OS nya ubuntu?? (^_^)
    semuanya rata2 Vista…. (^_^)
    knapa ya?
    sooner or later, u’ll use vista..
    whether u want it or not.
    the worst case is : u’ll be forced to use that (^_^)

  • Reply
  • Brahmasta says:

    Haha.. banyak pecinta ubuntu rupanya di sini.
    Hidup ubuntu!

  • upik says:

    saya pake Vista!!
    (gara2 bawaan laptop sih…)
    pengen ngerasain Vista yang Business nih,,secara Vista ku yang paling cupu (Home basic :P )

  • – Ivan said –
    tuh kan… lambat laun “kemungkinan” semua bakal pake (^_^)
  • Reply
  • xinuc says:


    yang pake vista itu kan mereka… (dan kamu :P )

    ya biarlah mereka (dan kamu) pake vista…

    wa mah ga pake ajah…

    siapa juga yang brani maksa wa pake vista… x-(

  • – Ivan said –
    ho ho.. siapa tau kmu ketiban rejeki dapet PC atau Laptop baru, nah kan terinstall Vista tuh biasanya (^_^)
    jadi, walo sebentar (sebelum kmu uninstall) setidaknya kmu “terpaksa” make Vista kan??? (walo cuma sebentar)… hwe he he…
  • Reply
  • Kemaren2 baru pertama kalinya meng-uninstall ubuntu, entah kenapa ubuntu tiba-tiba error, error pertama (dan mudah-mudahan terakhir) yang terjadi pada ubuntu… Akhirnyata terpasa di uninstall… Mungkin gara2 di laptop masih ada Windows-nya kali ya…

  • xinuc says:

    Wah, telat bro…

    awa mah dah pernah coba vista,

    mulai versi beta, release, sampe cracked version nya…

    kayaknya lebih dulu dari kamu ;) )

    tapi langsung tobat secepatnya… :) )

  • kok_aku says:

    wah, kok pada pake ubuntu yak?aku pake slackware 12 sendiri nih,,,

    klo aku sih lebih seneng pake vista ultimateku, coz lebih jarang crashnya dari pada XP. masih bisa kok buat main DotA map 6.45, CNC 3 ma CS source…

    emang sih vista lebih berat dari XP,tapi aku coba ilangin beberapa service yang aku anggap ga perlu,,,akhirnya enteng2 aja tuh,,,,

    ganti vista aja deh,,, itu kan wasiatnya bill gates,,hehehhe

  • – Ivan said –
    yupps.. buat game2 itu lancar kok dimaenin pake Vista.. (^_^)
    btw, service apa aja tuh yang menurut lu ga perlu??
    siapa tau bisa diterapin juga (^_^)

  • Reply


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