Proposal Daisakusen

Proposal Daisakusen YOOOOOOOW….. Setelah nonton dorama SP-nya, yang merupakan penutup dan penyempurna dari 11 episode dorama nya, kesimpulan untuk Proposal Daisakusen adalah dorama yang sangat sangat sangat sangat BAGUS…. dengan ending yang hepi, alias Happy Ending (^_^) Sebagai penggemar love story dan cerita yang ada persahabatan nya, nih dorama OK banget. Di tiap episode, ada aja bagian cerita...

Let’s Cook : CheeseCake

Let’s Cook : CheeseCake YOOOOOOOW….. U can jump into ** RECIPE ** section to find the recipe for the Cheesecake (^_^). ******* PROLOG ******* This post is tribute to : Tammy Coz she gave me the recipe and taught me how to make it. Yupps.. once in one of our wonderful party in our beloved International House, I tasted this cake, and I was jumping while screaming “OISHIIIII!!!!!! (^_^)“, and I...

10.000 BC

10.000 BC ** Pics taken from wikipedia ** YOOOOOOOW….. just watched 10.000 BC yesterday (^_^), with Manasa san and 3 other Indian. It’s a movie with a touching and inspiring content. The mainstream of the story actually is simple, the man who is a hunter from mountain tribe is chasing and trying to rescue his kidnapped lover The story evolves with prehistoric animal, predators, etc....

American Idol (Season 7) – what an AWESOME show

American Idol (Season 7) – what an AWESOME show YOOOOOOOW…. Pics taken from somewhere over the internet **sorry forgot the site** As the title said, I really feel that American Idol (Season 7) is an AWESOME show, when I was watching it since this last couple months, this show draw me many kinds of feeling: happy, sad, weird, also made me doing many things while watching it: applauding, screaming, laughing, etc. I really enjoy...

Hari yang “Melenangkan” (>_^)

Hari yang “Melenangkan” (>_^) YOOOOOOOW….. Whoaaa…. akhirnya hari ini bisa beristirahat…. beres2 kamar yang berantakan serta mengganti wewangian kamar dari aroma yang “membuat lapar”, menjadi aroma “segar” grape fruit (^_^) Lha trus makhluk apa Melenangkan ini? It stands for : Lelah + Senang + imbuhan Me-kan, jadi deh Melenangkan Sampe smiley nya juga digabung : (>__^) ** ga...

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